Getting started
Before installing the server package you should ensure you have a registered account and have generated an API key for WAFHub.
Once you have an API key for WAFHub, to setup automatic log submissions you'll need to install our server script deamon. We've tried to make this as simple as possible, simply access the terminal on your server and run the following code, ensuring you enter your API key where we have put "API-KEY-HERE".
wget -P /srv/wafhub-remote && sudo bash /srv/wafhub-remote/ -k API-KEY-HERE
Although we have created official packages for Laravel, Wordpress and Drupal we don't recommend using them for production servers!
Whenever possible you should use the server package that runs in the background submitting log files directly to WAFHub. Using any of our packages will impact page load time and should only be used if it's impossible to install our server package or for trialing our service.
We have built a Laravel package that is available via packagist, simply update your composer.json file in your Laravel project to:
We have built a Wordpress plugin that is available:
We have built a Drupal plugin that is available:
Choose a help topic from the menu to get started or contact us.